This page shows variations of the Medlicott coat of arms. Further discussion of the coat of arms is given in Section X of the Henry Edmondstone Medlicott account.
The 1900 centenary addition of Burke’s Landed Gentry provides illustrations of the following coats of arms.

The first crest is the coat of arms associated with the Dunmurry branch of the Medlicott family and has the motto “Dat cura quietem”. Henry Edmondstone Medlicott had assumed that the words are taken from Virgil’s IV AEneid, line 5. The full passage in Virgil is “nec placidam membris dat cura quietem”, and Henry Edmondstone Medlicott had translated this as “From real work comes weariness and from weariness comes rest”. Alternatively, one can look at a literal translation of the actual words of the motto which is “Gives – Care/Attention – Calm/Tranquillity”. The Motto would have been originally intended as a war cry or slogan and the version suggested in the “House of Names” website for Medlicott, is “Vigilance ensures Tranquillity”. This seems more in keeping with a war cry or slogan.

It is of interest to compare the Dunmurry crest with the coat of arms displayed on the outside of the Medlicott vault at Kildare cathedral in Ireland, shown on the home page. The helmet is the same style as the Medlicott hamlet crest rather than the Dunmurry crest, which would have been produced later. The left hand side of the shield shows the three lions which are shown in both of the shields above. The right hand side of the shield features three birds and chevron from his wife’s family (Bagotrath Bagot Coat of Arms see and This is indicative of the influence of the Bagot family on George Medlicott, either directly through the marriage with Elizabeth or indirectly as a consequence of her father Edward Bagot who was High Sheriff of Kildare in 1677 and of Kings Co. in 1680.

The second crest is the coat of arms associated with the hamlet of Medlicott in Shropshire and has the motto: “Crescit vulnere virtus”. William Medlicott had interpreted this as meaning “Virtue flourishes from its wounds”.
Wentnor church, which is the local church for the Medlicott hamlet, contains several hatchments bearing the Medlicott coat of arms. One is fairly large as shown in the first picture below. Notice that the motto is the same as that shown in Burke’s for the Medlicott hamlet.
The bottom right picture shows the crest on of the gravestones the following crest can be found.